Apr 27, 2022
In this episode, Joanna sits down with the self-described Highly Sensitive CEO, Kellie Daab. Tune in as Kellie shares her path to discovering and embracing her HSP. Now working with other highly sensitive persons (HSP), and more specifically entrepreneurs, Kellie takes her own reset and re-emerge experience to guide her clients to focus their lives on what they authentically want and enjoy rather than what they think they ought to do or the expectations of others. From a “not to do list" to the “three main things method,” don’t miss this episode on the intersection between introversion and HSP and how to create better patterns to live in alignment with who you are and with what you really want.
- What is HSP? Is it a gift or a curse?
- Why Kellie Daab embraces the label of HSP
- How Kellie created a life and business that honors her introversion and HSP
- Drawing awareness to what we authentically want and enjoy
- The immense benefits of resets, big or small
- Kellie’s advice for all introverted listeners
Like what you’re hearing? Learn more about Kellie Daab at: kelliedaab.com
IG | instagram.com/thehighlysensitiveceo
Email your suggested topics for the Introverted Leader Series to Joanna@flourishingintroverts.com
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Flourishing Introverts is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)