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The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Jan 28, 2021

There are many misconceptions of introversion out there, but perhaps the most damaging ones are those that create unnecessary biases towards others. In this episode, Joanna identifies the most common behaviors, conditions, and diagnoses that have been lumped together with introversion and shows us how different they...

Jan 21, 2021

You may think that introverts all around the world are currently thriving in a lockdown, but that may actually be far from the truth. Especially for those living in busy households with no space to call their own and to recharge in, a burn-out may be inevitable if nothing is done about it. That is why in this episode,...

Jan 14, 2021

Many people probably have the misconception that introverts have a dislike for people, but don't be mistaken! We introverts need meaningful connections too, we just need to make the right ones. So how do we go about doing this? In this episode, Joanna talks you through her top 3 tips for forming more and better...

Jan 7, 2021

Do you constantly find yourself apologizing to those around you? Are you actually remorseful when you say sorry, or is it just a habitual response most of the time? In this episode, Joanna taps into real-life examples provided by introverts in her community and her assertiveness training to teach you how to break that...