Oct 29, 2020
What is Ikigai and what role does this play in a flourishing introverts life? In this episode, Joanna explains everything one needs to know about Ikigai- the westernized and the traditional Japanese version. To find your Ikigai, you just need to listen to your feelings. Your feelings never lie, they will tell you...
Oct 21, 2020
The simple self-reflection question "Where do you need to care for yourself more?" prompted a whole chain of thoughts culminating in this episode. Even though our host Joanna has undertaken a huge amount of self-development, she shares her disappointment at coming face to face with her deficit thinking default.
Oct 15, 2020
Is self-care different for introverts? Well, self care is anything you deliberately and consciously do to look after your mental, emotional, and physical health. Being an introvert, self-care mostly revolves around protecting and recharging our mental batteries. Our host, Joanna, shares some self-care activities that...
Oct 7, 2020
Do you find yourself being hesitant to ask others for help? If so, you’re not alone and this episode will give you some insight as to why that might be. In exploring what makes it difficult for her to ask for help, our host, Joanna shares her thoughts and some of them aren’t pretty. Like other Introverts, she likes...
Oct 1, 2020
Limiting beliefs can take their toll and are probably costing you dearly. If you’re not sure what they are, in this episode Joanna explains how they are formed and why you can't afford to ignore them. It starts with consciously surfacing them in order to understand which ones to edit. This takes both commitment and...