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The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Jun 28, 2023

There are times in life when things don't go to plan and/or we're not at our best. In those times we can feel despondent, listless or even powerless, in other words in the doldrums or the valley rather than at the peak. This is how Joanna has felt for a while and at just the right time, she was asked this brilliant...

Jun 21, 2023

As Joanna was recently exploring the future of her business with her accountability buddies, she was asked an interesting question: "How does it feel to flourish as an introvert?"

Her business has been operating under the name 'Flourishing Introverts' for a few years now, so she figured that people might be tired of...

Jun 14, 2023

Joanna recently contributed to The Quiet Rebellion Conference and one of the things she was asked to speak about were the qualities one must possess to cultivate an unwavering self-trust. As she pondered her stance on this question, she felt a little uneasy and only later realised that this stemmed from her false...

Jun 7, 2023

Joanna recently read an article offering tips for overcoming the challenges we face as introverted leaders. Most of the advice is pretty standard and then comes the advice that incenses Joanna. 


Given the strong extraversion bias in our environment and years of being told to be different, we Introverts may have been...