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The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Aug 25, 2021

In this episode of the Flourishing Personified series, we invite Mitadru Dey to give us some unique insights on introversion through the lens of Vedanta.

Tune in as he shares how he came to embrace his introverted self, his discovery of Vedanta, and how he uses its core principles to guide his emotions and decisions. Joanna and Mitadru also chat about productivity, being selfish, and share advice for their fellow flourishing introverts. 

So join the conversation to learn more about Vedantic studies and how it ties in with your flourishing introverted self! 



  • How children are the greatest teachers of productivity. 
  • An introvert’s ability to go within 
  • Understanding Vedanta and its base principles 
  • The 3 types of yoga to practice 
  • Learning to embrace your introversion 
  • One piece of advice for introverts looking to flourish


Mitadru Dey


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